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Lynn Painter's charming, sexy, new rom-com!

Sophie needs a way out of her wedding to a cheating fiance without repercussions for her dad, who works for her future father-in-law. Her friend hires Max, a professional wedding objector. Sophie and Max strike up a friendship, and eventually, she joins him as an objector to help rescue others. They've sworn off love but sparks fly.

I loved this! The premise is hilarious, and the execution was excellent! Engaging writing, great characters, steamy romance, lots of humor and heart, and some fun tropes swept me up, and I enjoyed every minute I spent reading this!

Sophie and Max were a couple I rooted for. They were both so endearing. They met in such a unique way and truly built a friendship first. Painter's transformation of them from friends, who start off as partners in crime, to lovers was pure fun. Max was swoony, and Sophie was a breath of fresh air. Together, they had fantastic chemistry. Their banter sparkled with wit, and I appreciated the open communication between the two. Then there were Sophie's two unforgettable, unfiltered septuagenarian roommates, Larry and Rose. They were scene-stealing delights!

I hated putting this book down, and any time I had to, I couldn't wait to return to it and immerse myself in the fun again. It was escapist, sexy, hilarious, and thoroughly entertaining! This was my first Lynn Painter book but will not be my last. I understand now why rom-com fans love her books so much. I am a fan now, too, and cannot wait to explore her backlist!

Thank you to Berkley Publishing for the free book!

My steep was Earl Grey Provence by Mariage Freres from The Cultured Cup

A black tea with bergamot, lavender, and red fruits, and refreshing hot, or iced!


 Their name? The objectors.

 Their job? To break off weddings as hired.

 Their dilemma? They might just be in love with each other.


When Sophie Steinbeck finds out just before her nuptials that her fiancé has cheated yet again, she desperately wants to call it off. But because her future father-in-law is her dad’s cutthroat boss, she doesn’t want to be the one to do it. Her savior comes in the form of a professional objector, whose purpose is to show up at weddings and proclaim the words no couple (usually) wants to hear at their ceremony: “I object!”

 During anti-wedding festivities that night, Sophie learns more about Max the Objector’s job. It makes perfect sense to her: he saves people from wasting their lives, from hurting each other. He’s a modern-day hero. And Sophie wants in.

 The two love cynics start working together, going from wedding to wedding, and Sophie’s having more fun than she’s had in ages. She looks forward to every nerve-racking ceremony saving the lovesick souls of the betrothed masses. As Sophie and Max spend more time together, however, they realize that their physical chemistry is off the charts, leading them to dabble in a little hookup session or two—but it’s totally fine, because they definitely do not have feelings for each other. Love doesn’t exist, after all.

And then everything changes. A groom-to-be hires Sophie to object, but his fiancée is the woman who broke Max’s heart. As Max wrestles with whether he can be a party to his ex’s getting hurt, Sophie grapples with the sudden realization that she may have fallen hard for her partner in crime.  

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