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Summer Romance

Annabel Monaghan's heartfelt summer romance will steal your heart!

Ali is grieving her mother, going through a divorce, and taking care of her three kids and elderly neighbor while launching her organizing business. Her life is a mess, and she's trying to muster the strength to wear "hard pants." Then she meets the charming Ethan, and things are about to get messier. He is only in town for a short time, and their romance will be just for the summer.

This was my first time reading an Annabel Monaghan book, and I loved it! A cross between romcom and women's fiction, this was beautifully written, heartfelt, and captivating. The story had depth, and the characters, even the secondary ones, had so much personality that they lept off the page.

Ali is very relatable, and I rooted for her throughout the book. Her journey to reclaim her life and find happiness after everything she has been through was compelling. The romance, while sweet and swoon-worthy, was, for me, secondary to the poignancy of Ali's character arc.

That said, I also greatly enjoyed the romance! There's a memorable meet-cute, lots of romantic tension, and a couple who really understand each other in a mature way. Ethan is just the best. Open-hearted, thoughtful, supportive, and caring. Complex emotional topics were handled respectfully, and this was uplifting and fun. After I finished, I had the biggest book hangover and missed these characters. I will definitely read Monaghan's backlist soon.

I alternated between the ebook and the audiobook, narrated by Kristen DiMercurio. DiMercurio's performance took Ali's relatability to the next level. She brought out a range of emotions, embodied Ali incredibly well, and made every other character sound unique. I did not want to stop listening!

Thank you to Penguin Group Putnam, G.P Putnam Sons and PRH Audio for the free book and audiobook!

My steep was Lemon Meringue Pu'reh Iced tea from Club Magic Hour


Benefits of a summer romance: it’s always fun, always brief, and no one gets their heart broken.

There aren’t enough labeled glass containers to contain the mess that is Ali Morris’s life. Her mom died two years ago, then her husband left, and she hasn’t worn pants with a zipper in longer than she cares to remember. She’s a professional organizer whose pantry is a disgrace.

No one is more surprised than Ali when the first time she takes off her wedding ring and puts on pants with hardware—overalls count, right?—she meets someone. Or rather, her dog claims a man for her in the same way he claimed his favorite of her three children: by peeing on him. Ethan smiles at Ali like her pants are just right—like he likes what he sees. The last thing Ali needs is to make her life messier, but there’s no harm in a little Summer Romance. Is there?

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