Jennifer Mathieu's touching tribute to educators
This was so touching and funny! The book is set in a Texas high school after one of the teachers dies in the faculty lounge (of natural causes), and his ashes are spread at the school in a very memorable scene. What follows is an eye-opening and compassionate look at what teachers and school staff deal with daily, from bureaucracy to parent issues to standardized testing to on-campus shenanigans. It also follows their off-campus lives.
A poignant picture emerges through a series of character studies of the ensemble cast that reads a bit like a collection of short stories or a selection of snapshots. Each chapter delves into a school staff member's professional and personal lives and features a layered, nuanced, and vividly portrayed character who feels real. The reader sees each character's humanity and heart, and I came away with an even deeper respect for educators. Complex situations and issues are examined and handled respectfully. The depth is balanced by humor, so the tone stays light. The book is beautifully written and offers a lot of food for thought and a message about connection. I laughed and was on the brink of tears more than once. This was my first time reading this author, and I enjoyed her writing style and found this book's format fairly unique. I enjoyed this and recommend it!
Thank you to Dutton Books for the complimentary book!
Pub Day: July 23, 2024
My steep was Jasmine Bliss by Tealee from my gifted July Amoda Tea box. A jasmine green tea with strawberry, orange peel, and papaya, it was fantastic iced!