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The Mystery Guest

NYT bestselling author Nita Prose brings back Molly the maid who is every bit as charming as she was in her first mystery!

Set four years after the first book's events, Molly is now Head Maid at The Regency Grand Hotel and living with her beloved Juan when another murder turns her world upside down. A renowned mystery writer drops dead in front of a tearoom full of people. Molly knew the victim from childhood and must reach back into her memory to help figure out whodunit.

I fell in love with Molly in The Maid and was excited to see her story continue. And this one is as good as the first, maybe even better! Molly is such a refreshing and lovable character. Through dual timelines, we learn much more about Molly and her childhood in this book. We also get to know her wise and loving Gran, who passed away shortly before the events in the first book. This look back not only impacted the present-day mystery but was both heartwarming and heartbreaking, showing how beautiful Molly and Gran's relationship was. I loved this character arc for Molly, and Prose does a good job of sensitively showing Molly's strengths and challenges as a neurodivergent woman.

Prose has an engaging writing style, creating a captivating world that is fun to visit and full of interesting characters. The dual timeline was very well done and woven together in a way that made for an intriguing mystery, slowly dripping clues and uncovering secrets. It is a fast-paced story, and each chapter ends on a slight cliffhanger, making it tough to put down. So cozy and delightful, this was one of my most anticipated reads of the Fall, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Hoping we get more Molly soon!

Thank you to Random House Ballentine for the gifted ARC!

My steep had to be special as Molly loves tea, and it is prominently featured in the story, as is the book Great Expectations. So, my tea pairing for this is Charles Dickens tea from Simpson and Vail's Literary Tea

Collection. A blend of black and oolong teas with black currant flavorings!


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